Risk mapping
Small & mid-sized enterprises: Integrated solution

Consulting support and RMIS for your risk mapping

You SMEs risk management needs

Are you an executive, CFO, or legal director of and Small & mid-sized enterprise? Are you convinced that comprehensive, formalised risk management will make an effective contribution to securing and developing your activity?

Are you looking for a pragmatic risk mapping process based on best practices, capable of assessing all your risks, while bringing together stakeholders collaboratively?

Arengi offers a special dedicated solution combining advice, a ready-to-use risk management tool and risk themes adapted to your problems.

Our Risk Mapping solution for SMEs: consulting support, RMIS and risk register

To master good practices

Consulting support

Tailored to your needs

To monitor your process


1 SAAS solution

To get started with adapted & adaptable content

Risk register

50 SMEs standart risks

Tailored support by a risk management expert to prepare and control the key points of your risk mapping process

The support also enables you to master the ArengiBox RMIS.

Access to the ArengiBox risk management information system for risk mapping and an unlimited number of users.

Configured on the basis of SMEs | ISEs challenges and issues (standard severity assessment scales), ArengiBox helps you structure your risk mapping process (selection of methodology, identification of risks, choices on assessments, monitoring of action plans).

A risk registers covering the typical exposures of SMEs

The documented elements enable you to initiate mapping with themes and descriptions you can select on a case-by-case basis and adapt according to your specific needs and the goals of your project.

References – Our risk management projects for SMEs

Our insurer has offered to involve Arengi to initiate a risk mapping process. The analysis seemed relevant in the development of our activities while being part of our quality and improvement initiatives. The risk mapping allowed us to prioritize concrete and prospective subjects, to be monitored in our roadmap to support and secure our development.

Julien Fleury & Thomas de Moussac & Lionel Thémine
Operation Director – Development Director – Financial Director
Our integrated solutions

It’s also ArengiBox

Based on the hundreds of consulting projects delivered over the past 15 years, we have developed ArengiBox, a digital platform to support your risk management approaches. Scalable, intuitive, in constant evolution, deployed in SaaS mode (but not only), designed by risk management professionals for risk management professionals, ArengiBox is also a gateway to our risk management knowledge databases.

It’s also ArengiBox

Based on the hundreds of consulting projects delivered over the past 15 years, we have developed ArengiBox, a digital platform to support your risk management approaches. Scalable, intuitive, in constant evolution, deployed in SaaS mode (but not only), designed by risk management professionals for risk management professionals, ArengiBox is also a gateway to our risk management knowledge databases.