Ecosystem – Comprehensive risk management

Risk mapping:

Risk mapping is the core of the risk management reactor! Thanks to our expertise in numerous business sectors, one of our priorities is to ensure the success of your process by contributing the necessary perspective and expertise.
However, there’s no dogmatism in our approaches. We guide you with a flexible, pragmatic methodology, inspired by the leading risk management registers (COSO, FERMA, ISO 31000, etc.) and enriched by our multidisciplinary experience.
Risk mapping involves aligning the management team with a risk profile. That is our vision and practice of this managerial exercise. By mixing the retrospective and the prospective, we work to identify and assess risks with the goal of collaborating with your teams to construct a prioritised vision of your organisation’s exposures based on consensus.
Our course of action is a commitment and rock-solid independence to promote the most relevant choices and to focus your business on priority risks and the most appropriate actions to address them.

Optimize costsEffective risk management contributes to control costs and minimize the total cost of risk (losses, risk control expenses, risk transfer & insurance costs)

Take responsibility for / manage risk taking Managing high impact / high probability risks requires regularly reviewing and adjusting the organization’s risk profile depending on expected performance and risk apetite

Expect black swansOrganizations cannot rule out extremely severe but improbable events, potentially putting their very existence at risk –especially the most unpredictable (and easily discarded) risks. Specific responses should be instigated (crisis management, transfer, etc.)

Stay alertLow impact / low probability risks are generally considered under control. An effective risk management process should ensure adequate risk controls are effectively in place and monitor changes in internal or external environment that may render controls obsolete

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Internal ControlInternal control environment, self-assessment, Key control activities...

EnvironmentInternal environment (strategy, products, values, organization, management culture, etc.) and external (regulation, markets, competition, external stakeholders, etc.)

GovernanceGovernance instance role (CA, Audit Committee, ExCom, Ad-hoc Committees), Policy and risk appetite ...

MANAGEMENTObjectives, Roles and Missions, Decision and Arbitration Process, Dissemination of Culture ...

Comprehensive risk managmentMethodology, Data & Tools, Organization & Resources, Reporting & Communication ...

Other stakeholders Security, Compliance, Quality, Major Projects, Business Continuity and Crisis Management, HSE, Insurance ... External reviews and audits…

Internal AuditAudit plan, Integration of audit observations and recommendations, Independence and objectivity...

© Arengi

Review, design & implementation of risk management programs

By incorporating the best risk management practices, we shape and optimise the risk manager function in your company. Say no to pre-designed and off-the-shelf solutions! Our desire is to specify positioning (definition of the function, scope, organisation, etc.) in symbiosis with your organisation’s culture and characteristics, allowing a true, productive risk culture to be instilled.

Providing support in implementing, facilitating and improving your risk management process, we target success factors such as the involvement and commitment of senior management, the incorporation of risk management into your company’s strategic and decision-making processes and the empowerment of your operations staff. We dream big for you!

Optimising total cost of risk

You can’t talk about risk without talking about insurance. If you want to compare your risk profile and your current insurance cover, we can do that by mobilising experts in insurance markets and solutions.
The shared cross-view of the “risk” and “insurance” sectors on the mapping results highlights exposures that have insufficient or no cover and can result in recommendations for adjustments or additions to the policies in place.
This approach also allows you to change tactics by improving the total cost of risk. Beyond quick wins (optimisation of premium budgets), we work with you to think about all the components of the cost of risk (self-insurance, prevention, etc.).

The Risk Department asked Arengi to help it develop and implement key risk indicators (KRI) for RATP. This approach has been successfully implemented on ten major risks identified in the risk mapping and will be deployed across all major risks of the Group.

Olivier Maurice
General Delegate for Risk Management, RATP Group.

SAFT wanted a flexible, efficient risk management process.
Arengi stepped in, in partnership with the audit, internal control and risk management department, to reassess the risk mapping, followed by two years of support in formalising and steering the action plans.

Risk Manager at Saft

It’s also ArengiBox

Based on the hundreds of consulting projects delivered over the past 15 years, we have developed ArengiBox, a digital platform to support your risk management approaches. Scalable, intuitive, in constant evolution, deployed in SaaS mode (but not only), designed by risk management professionals for risk management professionals, ArengiBox is also a gateway to our risk management knowledge databases.

It’s also ArengiBox

Based on the hundreds of consulting projects delivered over the past 15 years, we have developed ArengiBox, a digital platform to support your risk management approaches. Scalable, intuitive, in constant evolution, deployed in SaaS mode (but not only), designed by risk management professionals for risk management professionals, ArengiBox is also a gateway to our risk management knowledge databases.